quartet for two

Live performance, 2022, (20 min)

A dance performance for two women and two aluminum poles in a garage somewhere.

With rough material in our hands, we meet each other with it and through it. We let the poles guide our relationship and friendship. We ask, what could be revealed when we let go of resistance as the immediate response to a sense of danger? And we seek to maintain balance - through softness rather than great force.

Performed at:
Intimadance Festival (Tel Aviv)
HaMiffal (Jerusalem)
SVT Opening Ceremony (Jerusalem)
Hanut Gallery (Tel Aviv)
Atelier Shemi (Kibbutz Cabri)

Choreographer: Shira Marek
Performers: Talia Vaknine and Shira Mark
Artistic support: Stav Marin, Merav Dagan
Costumes: Ayelet Ofarim 
Photos: Yair Meyuhas, David Kaplan

Documentation of the full performance ࿏ Videographer: Shir Newman ࿏ Editor: Shira Marek