Born in Jerusalem, 1994, A choreographer, performer and videographer. A graduate of the School of Visual Theater (Jerusalem) with ten years of professional background in contemporary dance, as well as Kung Fu and Klein technique. Shira was selected for the danceWeb ImPulsTanz scholarship (2022) and trained at SNDO intensive, Amsterdam University of the Arts, The Group (Tel Aviv) and at Kulban Dance (Jerusalem).

Throughout her works, Shira explores the basic human desire to truly meet - a desire which, in her mind, is doomed to fail. In her frequent use of industrial objects and spaces, she seeks to unearth the many mechanisms through which our society undermines this most fundamental desire; including the language we use, the way in which we approach mathematics and science, and our perceptions of our own humanity. The material relations on stage are in a constant discourse with the reality of inadequate and often dysfunctional human relations, asking - How have we been taught to meet each other, and how can we meet each other differently? How do we fix a broken machine?

Photo: Amit Mann